
  • Thema's

  • Kunstenaars

  • Technieken

Shopping Queen – Gold chrome – Martin de Noir
Shopping Queen – Rosé chrome – Martin de Noir
Dollar Duck- Bronze Chrome – Martin de Noir
Shopping Queen – Silver chrome – Martin de Noir
Shopping Queen – Full colour chrome – Martin de Noir
Dollar Duck- Silver – Martin de Noir
Dollar Duck- Gold – Martin de Noir
Dollar Duck- Full colour – Martin de Noir
Shopping Queen – Bronze chrome – Martin de Noir
Dollar Duck- Gold – Martin de Noir
Jackson – Michael Daniels
Karl- Michael Daniels
The bottle of Life – Mascha de Haas
The splash Bubbles – Mascha de Haas
The Pink Champagne – Mascha de Haas
The Fashion Bottle – Mascha de Haas
Jump III – Nuria Garcia Miro
Jump II – Nuria Garcia Miro
Jump I – Nuria Garcia Miro
Mrs Mouse – Micha Baker
Mr Mouse – Micha Baker
Let’s play – Micha Baker
Abbey rd IV – Micha Baker
Flower Mouse II – Micha Baker
Icon Mrs Joplin – Micha Baker
Icon Mr Kurt – Micha Baker
Elegance Beauty – Thijs Heijnen
Shake it till you make it – Thijs Heijnen
La Vida Es Belle – Thijs Heijnen
Elegance never Fades – Thijs Heijnen
Warhol – Michael Daniels
Monroe – Michael Daniels
Bowie – Michael Daniels
Jagger – Michael Daniels
The only sailor man – Micha Baker
Thumbs up – Micha Baker
Flower for my friend – Micha Baker
C’est la Vie – Micha Baker
Live to tell – Micha Baker
Rebel – Micha Baker
The great Escape- Micha Baker
Il take care of you – Micha Baker
In the House – Micha Baker
Shyness II – Micha Baker
Shyness I – Micha Baker
Only Cash – Micha Baker
Marilyn – Micha Baker
Kate – Micha Baker
Dreaming about the last coin – Micha Baker
Fashion Mouse IV – Micha Baker